Driven by Purpose,
Delivered by Experience

Be it investment, expertise or network, we’ll help you find your way to success.


What We Do

We help new ventures become reality and existing ventures grow.

  • Founding, focusing and scaling new venture can be hard. We know this as we’ve done it… numerous times.

  • We combine over 100 years of new venture experience to help our clients avoid the pitfalls and take the right paths. 

  • We are practitioners, who consult. We believe that standing on the touchline and shouting is no way to win. We aren't spectators we are players, and we expect to play!

  • Our job is to help our portfolio ‘See in the dark’.

How We Do It




Kick Start

Are you a Startup ? Pre-Seed or Seed? We'll help you bring your idea to life. Define your uniqueness, build your business plan, establish your MVP and go to market.





Are you a Scale Up? Need help executing to success your Series Rounds? It's time to scale: your product, your messaging, your sales execution and your team. We'll help you get this right first time.





Are you Beyond the Series Round looking to exit? How do you continue to grow? New verticals? New geographies? New products? New people? One things for sure, you'll need new skills. We'll show them to you.



Our Modus Operandi

The Success Vision

To be viable, a business needs to have:  A clear definition of the problem it solves; a unique, demonstrable solution to that problem and a clear understanding of the benefits of resolution. A reliable and well-engineered product.  

To execute you need:  A clear target market; a clear message; clear competitive positioning; a very clear return on investment case and a repeatable revenue acquisition strategy.  

To win you need: Customer centric DNA; outstanding customer support; a continuous program of product development; the right amount of capital and a great team.


How We Help You Achieve It

In order to assist you, execute against your vision you need a holistic approach. Success comes from the unification of all disciplines against a common and clearly identified goal. 

Pathfinder Partners has assembled a best in class set of practitioners that are expert in their field and most importantly, have also been part of winning team. Our job is to help you define and prioritize your goals and build the expertise to help you meet them.

The Multiplier Effect

Every entrepreneur, director or executive needs a network. One of the primary reasons the founding partners got together at Pathfinder Partners is that we know this and knew combining would make ours a lot bigger. It’s now pretty huge and we bring this to every engagement.

The simple reality of business life is that however good your interview or people selection process is, you never really know how good someone is until you’ve worked with them. Over 125 years man years of experience mean that we have worked with a lot of people. 

Our managing partners, associate partners, delivery partners and potential investors are known to us and are an extension of our own reputations. We know they’re good and this hugely reduces the ‘selection lottery’ at a time when you really can’t afford to make too many mistakes. 


Are you interested in helping your business find its way?

Are you a Startup, Growing Business, Scale-Up or Turn Around Business, in the dark looking for help to find your way. Are you interested in partnering with Pathfinder Partners? we’d love to hear from you.