Expand & Accelerate


You've entered the market, won some customers and secured some revenue. You're probably turning over between £500k to £3m. Now you need to: scale up, create a sustainable Return on Investment, build a proper business development and sales acquisition function, keep your existing clients whilst you do, maintain competitive edge, identify new vertical and geographic markets, recruit well and retain those you do.


You now need process and methodology, but it has to be right or, you'll lose the flair and agility that got you to this place.

We've faced all of these issues and more many times. We also believe absolutely that standing on the touchline and shouting is no way to win. We aren't spectators we are players, and we expect to play!


Are you interested in helping your business find its way?

Are you a Startup, Growing Business, Scale-Up or Turn Around Business, in the dark looking for help to find your way. Are you interested in partnering with Pathfinder Partners? we’d love to hear from you.