Innovate & Kick Start


You've spotted a problem and worked out a solution, probably due to your amazing domain expertise. You might be part of an incubator program or, you may have simply backed yourself. You've developed a product or a prototype product and you're now ready to take it to market. How do you do that? You've probably not done it before. Do you need capital? If so, how much and where do you get it? Have you created a business plan? Is it good enough to win backers? Do you know how to create a market entry plan? Does your product really fit the need? Have you built a pipeline of business before?

We believe that if you're to advise a startup you have to have created one. Our partners have all kickstarted products and companies from scratch, raised capital across all stages of the business lifecycle and successfully exited. We've had some successes and we've made a ton of mistakes. We use our experience to get our portfolio businesses moving and if we really like you, we'll even provide some fuel!


Are you interested in helping your business find its way?

Are you a Startup, Growing Business, Scale-Up or Turn Around Business, in the dark looking for help to find your way. Are you interested in partnering with Pathfinder Partners? we’d love to hear from you.