
The science of soothing



Dr Nicky Bateman CEO

Investor Names

Pathfinder Partners
The Team and other angel investors

Qudobaby - The science behind a restful baby

The patented Qudo Soother is specifically and scientifically designed to help pacify distressed infants. The product of Nicky’s sixteen years of experience as a paediatric chiropractor, the soother acts against a baby’s palate enhancing, resetting and improving their cranial rhythm.

About Qudo

  • Persistent crying is one of the most common issues faced by parents of otherwise healthy babies, regardless of background, ethnicity, culture or experience.

  • 30-40% of babies worldwide are diagnosed with colic, 46 million infants annually.

  • 60% of parents day their babies have experienced persistent crying.

  • The NHS is estimated to spend £186m pa to unsuccessfully support crying infants in their first 12 weeks of life.

  • Persistent crying is one of predominant contributors to parental stress and post natal depression.

  • There is no effective product in the market today specifically developed to help address this problem.

Parent Quotes:

  • It’s helped 100%, a massive help and we couldn’t have done without it”
    Father, Bristol, July 2020.

  • T constantly cried, she would try and suck on a normal soother but it would drop out and didn’t give any relief.  The Qudo soother stayed in place and made her a happy, pain free baby” Kylie, Hampshire

  • “When R was 6 weeks old, after 2 weeks of constant crying I felt completely isolated and like the world’s worst mother.  Then I got the Qudo Soother and it completely changed all our lives, I am so thankful that I found this soother.  If it wasn’t for the soother we would be divorced” Kim, West Sussex

More about Qudobaby

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