
Enabling access to Justice using technology



Sophie Walker

Vinay Kumar

Investor Names

Mercia Asset Management

Pathfinder Venture Partners and other angel investors

JUST:Access is focussed on enabling ubiquitous access to justice for all

JUST:Access does this by providing the technology capabilities for judgement, casework, audio, video to be transcribed, made available quickly for those that need it to make informed legal decisions. Our reason for being is simply justice not served is justice denied. Therefore, enabling open and accessible justice means equitable justice for all.

JUST’s purpose is to ensure everyone has equitable access to Justice without prejudice.

JUST:Access has a mission underpinned by the following pillars

  • Process Improvements: Within the justice system leveraging technology where possible to transform the experience inside and outside the courtroom,

  • OpenLaw Agenda: The development of a dataset that pools information from institutional and private legal providers and eases transfer of confidential data between relevant bodies.

  • Transform Justice: Leverage data, analytics and Machine learning to transform courtroom and legal casework experience.

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