
A grub based business


Richard Small

Investor Names

Pathfinder Venture Partners
Innovate UK

Inspro - Transforming food waste into sustainable animal feed

Inspro uses natures very own transformers, Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) to convert green house gas emitting human food waste into a protein rich substitutes for environmentally unsustainable soya and fishmeal.

About Inspro

  • The production of protein through the rearing of BSFL is three times as efficient as Soya.

  • Inspro’s patented Bio Conversion Units (BCU’s) are more efficient, more mobile, more environmentally friendly and cheaper than any current market alternative.

  • Configured into distributed networks, they cut carbon miles and create local nutrient circularity any where in the world.

  • Inspro’s first ambition is to take a slice from the 4.7m tonne UK market for poultry feed.

  • First production units deployed in March 2021.

More about Inspro

Listen to Richard

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